Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Santa has one trike left to buy, Mummy has a lot of baking to do and Daddy just needs to get paid so we can give all his nephews and niece their Christmas money and that's all the Christmas present bought, wrapped and waiting to be delivered.


Organised is not something you would associate with our house but this year for a change we're all organised and ready and raring to go (I even have all the Shloer bought and hid away for Christmas day).

Other than the fresh food we'll need nothing else needs bought that we're aware of so far so why do I feel like I'm missing something?

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Santa Pressure

Our daughters may only be 21months old but already we're feeling the pressure for Santa to perform and next year is already making us nervous as they'll be old enough to start saying what they want and we won't want to disappoint them as each Christmas is becoming more and more special as they get older and even I am losing my bah humbug status with each year that they are here and am looking forward to all the excitement and joy that a family Christmas brings.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Feeling grateful

Watching Children in Need this year made more of an impact than previous years and that's because I have two healthy brilliant daughters who despite being born four weeks early have no problems, health or developmental, and we're extremely lucky and totally appreciative of that.

Being a Mummy makes things hit harder than they ever did.